PENCILCASE SOFT was started by Mika, a guy who's just way too interested in anime culture. PENCILCASE SOFT is one of many game projects he's worked on, but the difference is that he started this one and has no intention of ending it. He was born in Russia but currently resides in America! He has a strong passion for web design, game developing, art, binge watching anime, and making music. He's the stronghand programmer behind a lot of the games and art! Not the best by any means, but willing to bring what the team needs to get stuff done. He's always working on web developments, it's his favorite thing to do! As well as listening to crappy breakbeat mixtapes he throws together.


Margie is PENCILCASE SOFT's current go-to translator. Born in America, living in Sweden, and speaking 5 languages all together (English, Russian, Swedish, Japanese, Spanish). She got her start as a novice anime fansubber who would sell burned DVDs of whatever shows people would request of her. Eventually, as a good friend of Mika's, he thought to bring her onboard to help with translation for projects. Her favorite thing to do is play video games. She's a big fan of the Metal Gear franchise, as well as Final Fantasy. She's also super into horror media and obscure RPGMaker titles. That's what drew her into this circle!


The second member of PENCILCASE SOFT was Kyorra (also called "Ora"). She was Mika's childhood best friend, also born in Russia and still living there. She is in charge of most of the editorial and writing processes. The writing itself in our visual novels is ran through and written by a few people, but always ends up in Kyorra's hands for finalization! She has a deep love of books and has always wanted to be an author. Her current book recomendation is "Almost Transparent Blue" by Ryu Murakami. She is a deeply important member of PENCILCASE SOFT! Without her onboard, you wouldn't see even half of the stories you do now!